Yeah, sorry to be so late with this post. It's been a weird week. Not to mention a week so infuriating that I have come dangerously close to suffering a ragerysm (rage-induced aneurysm). But anyway forward into the breach fellow snarkers.
So we cut back to Vicki and co. They've been watching the entire gathering on TV and they are shocked! Not by the GC brutally taking care of a threat by opening fire on a stadium full of people, but by Nicky Cardamom using foul language! Violence is okay, but heaven forbid the incarnation of Satan use bad language. That might have scarred a few children for life assuming there are even still children in this world.
There's a brief interlude where Vicki explains to Melinda about the whole Jesus as the sacrificial lamb bit, of course ignoring the whole question as to why Zod couldn't change a rule that he himself wrote. Thankfully though we don't have to linger long on this when we can read about the YTF watching Nicky's response to the speech.
Anyway so Nicky decides to talk about what happened and of course, the YTF snicker and make sarcastic remarks the entire time, ignoring the unpleasant fact that Nicky is considerable more sympathetic.
Nicky talks about how all the other religions have managed to live in peace except for RTCianity. Then he describes RTCianity as a sect with its roots in historical Christianity and I roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, if by historical you mean dating back to the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. If by historical you mean say first century Christianity, you wanna be the one to tell Ellanjay or should I?"
Nicky also says the usual BS about how this is a perversion of centuries of Christian thinking and talks about how God is a god of love aka that typical hippie bullshit that leads to people assuming hippie bullshit like that Jesus ever said anything about the peacemakers being blessed by God. We don't go for that crap in the good ol' US of A.
Anyway Nicky Rocky says he encouraged this public gathering of people opposed to him and even televised it because he wanted Token Jew and his followers to join him. He says he would not have forced Token Jew to join him and I suppose we're supposed to roll our eyes over Nicky's duplicity, but would Token Jew really be any different if he was in Nicky's position of power? Would he really let those who disagreed with his views of God yet were otherwise peaceful live and practice their faith in peace and not persecute them in any way? Again as said before and will be repeated many times as necessary, Ellanjay and his followers don't object to a One-World Theocracy so long as the right person with the right beliefs is running it.
Out of curiosity, who wants to tell Ellanjay that while Spain and other Christian nations were torturing and persecuting the Jews, those Islamo-Commie-Nazis that made up the Ottoman Empire allowed freedom of religion?
I say this because even Nicky Denali points out that the Gruesome Twosome have killed more people who disagreed with them than Nicky. But even though he believes that Token Jew and the Gruesome Twosome along with their followers tried to kill him, he's still going to very eeevilly grant them permission to continue their gathering, complete with cameras and the full protection of GC security though only for 48 hours.
This is...I don't even need to get into how incredibly stupid this is, do I? I mean even that dude who ruled Turkmenistan and named a bunch of months after himself is smarter than Nicky. Preschoolers with their arms and legs tied together and armed with their safety scissors are scarier than Nicky. Wet cardboard painted hot pink and lime green presents more of an obstacle to the RTCs than Nicky.
Newsflash to aspiring writers everywhere: you don't create suspense by making your villain so stupid your average newborn could outsmart them.
I decided to do another chapter unlike next week in which I only did one. So the gang in Israel end up in the seamy side of town which contains such evils as bars, fortune-telling shops, tattoo parlors, and strip clubs all of which makes me go :yawn: :snore: Let me know when they mention something that isn't found in your average everyday reasonably sized city. It's like those recordings which claim to be of people in hell but really sound no worse than what you'd hear in a busy bar on a Friday night. Anyway they go to see the Gruesome Twosome rant like mental patients and said prophets torch some GC soldiers.
Not much to say except that we have yet another reiteration on how if you do one bad thing Zod hates you unless you kowtow and promise never to make him so mad again. So yeah, I know you've probably guessed it by now but according to God's prophets, Gandhi is in Hell and will be there for all eternity for the crime of being a Hindu and creating one of the largest democracies on earth without firing a single shot, whereas Fred Phelps will get a one-way ticket to Heaven when he dies because he after all, has said the words which makes him a Christian.
The chapter ends with Judd talking to a GC guard, who is a lot more shaken by all the shit that's gone down despite no doubt being an eeevil heathen. Judd tries the typical God-loves-you and all this horrific suffering is him trying to get your attention spiel, but the GC points out that those comrades of his who confronted the prophets wouldn't be dead if it weren't for Zod. I'm going to name this dude Cornelius (why? Read the chapter of Acts after Peter receives the okay to eat shellfish) and add him to my list of favorite characters along with the Power Couple of Awesomenesss that is Hasina and Taylor.
So we cut back to Vicki and co. They've been watching the entire gathering on TV and they are shocked! Not by the GC brutally taking care of a threat by opening fire on a stadium full of people, but by Nicky Cardamom using foul language!
Aw, man. Come ON here, L&J.
I tell you, these guys have no sense of due proportion when it comes to the things their characters should be concerned about.
Is there a checklist for RTCs? (Out: bad language, lying, sex, charity. In: random slaughter. Explains a lot about the MPAA ratings system really...)
Part of the Problem of Nicky, I think, is that he's constrained to run on the same prophecy rails as everyone else.
I think a lot of my problem with the basic RTC setup - apart from the way that even humans can build a better and fairer system than that - is that it's exactly what one would expect an authoritarian ruler with no real power to say.
Not to mention a week so infuriating that I have come dangerously close to suffering a ragerysm (rage-induced aneurysm).
Please take care of yourself. I lost a brother last year due to a brain aneurysm.
whereas Fred Phelps will get a one-way ticket to Heaven when he dies because he after all, has said the words which makes him a Christian.
For all of L&J's sins, that's not one of them. They would argue that saying words doesn't make one a Christian; one must believe the Bible AND have a personal relationship in which Jesus is one's personal savior. They would say that Phelps is not an RTC but a faux-Christian; therefore he will suffer in hell for all eternity with Ghandi and my brother.
Uh, Aunursa, how exactly do Ellanjay know that Fred Phelps isn't an RTC? How do they know he doesn't believe in the Bible or hasn't accepted Jesus as his savior? Or is this one of those things where if I ask them that, there'll be a lot of foot-shuffling, some hemming and hawing, before finally giving a variation on the "No True Scotsman" fallacy? But then again I'm one of those heathens who believes you can't know the state of another person's soul at the moment of death unless you're God so what do I know about anything?
Still in an awful sort of way, I do think Fred Phelps provides a sort of service. By taking homophobic beliefs to such extremes, by actually saying what most of his fellow bigots on the right only think, he forces fellow anti-gay demagogues to distance themselves from him in an attempt to prove they're not as bad as him and Phelps's sheer assholishness forces those who were on the fence about gays to pick a side: either be on the side of the GLBT or be associated with people like Fred.
All the same, I still don't know if there's a heaven or not, but I've already decided that any heaven that let's in Fred Phelps bur not Gandhi, is not a heaven I want to go to.
How do they know he doesn't believe in the Bible or hasn't accepted Jesus as his savior?
They would probably quote Matt 7:16 ("By their fruit you will recognize them.") I've read similar responses from other Christian theologians on the question of professing Christians who behave badly. I don't think the "No True Scotsman" fallacy applies because they're not modifying the initial assertion.
RTCs would acknowledge that if (on his deathbed) Phelps were to repent and accept Jesus, he would be accepted into heaven. But they would claim with good reason that the likelihood of that happening is extremely low -- based on the extreme hatred in his heart.
Anyway, thanks for giving me the opportunity to play devil's advocate and argue for a position that I do not personally hold.
I've already decided that any heaven that let's in Fred Phelps bur not Gandhi, is not a heaven I want to go to.
I've found that is one of the most difficult puzzles for Evangelicals to address. I refer to it as the "Anne Frank/RTC Nazi Conundrum."
They've been watching the entire gathering on TV and they are shocked! Not by the GC brutally taking care of a threat by opening fire on a stadium full of people, but by Nicky Cardamom using foul language! Violence is okay, but heaven forbid the incarnation of Satan use bad language.
Definite Church Lady morality. Remember who the target audience is for this.
P.S. A LOT of Church Ladies are Kyle's Moms with a Christian coat of paint, and they read stuff like this only to find something "immoral" so they can go on a Righteous Snit about it.
s there a checklist for RTCs? (Out: bad language, lying, sex, charity. In: random slaughter. Explains a lot about the MPAA ratings system really...) -- Firedrake
Firedrake, I have noticed in Righteous Activists that when it comes to Sex & Violence, you will always have Activists (TM) be pro one and anti the other. (And go at the other type of activist like the half-white and half-black in that 3rd Season Star Trek ep.) It's one of those Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe.
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